For the most part, the presented enioanatomical information related to channels and channel systems of subtle bodies has never been published before. The book, for the first time, provides a detailed description of Sushumna, Merudanda, Ida, Pingala, star channels, meridians, meridian biologically active points, microchannels, anastomotic junctions and subultrachannel networks, their functions, functional potential and their significance for human beings and much more. The channel system has been introduced and analyzed as an integral structure of subtle bodies which is responsible for the generation of universal, specific and highly specific energy-informational bioplasms and which facilitates formation of the energy-informational basis for versatile, balanced, harmonious and universal development of one's subtle bodies as well as one's spiritual and paranormal abilities. The channel system of subtle bodies can considerably expand, deepen and improve the effectiveness of enio-reflexive therapy and healing.
The author addresses the methods applied in the development of channels and channel systems, spiritual and PSI development, PSI-based healing, biolocation and out-of-body projection, based on in-depth enioanatomical knowledge of human subtle bodies. Subtle bodies have been presented as the energy-informational basis for eniological disciplines engaged in human research and the book also provides a topic-based study guide aimed at enhancing personal knowledge of the enioanatomy of subtle bodies.
The monograph will be especially useful to reflexologists, physicians, healers, eniologists, psychologists, psychotronics, parapsychologists, spiritual teachers, pedagogues, educators, coaches, theologians, individuals trained in PSI abilities and PSI healing, professionals engaged in different eniological fields, especially enioanatomy, enio-physiology, enio-medicine, enio-psychology, enio-pedagogy and enio-spiritual education and development, as well as to anyone interested in developing their subtle bodies, spirituality and PSI faculties.
The monograph is intended to facilitate:
• the study of enioanatomy of Sushumna, Merudanda, Ida, Pingala, star channels, nose, eye and ear channels, meridians, meridian biologically active points, anastomotic junctions, microchannels, subultrachannel networks and the channel system;
• the development of highly specific enioanatomical thinking;
• the recognition of the enioanatomical essence of the channel system of one's subtle bodies;
• the revelation of the structure, form, architecture, topography, function and functional potential of individual channels, microchannels, meridians, autonomous channels systems and the channels system;
• appreciation of the practical significance the channel system enioanatomy has for the development of subtle bodies, the formation of vital energy-informational bioplasms and substances, and the development of one's characteristics, attributes, abilities, spirituality and PSI faculties;
• the incorporation of enioanatomical knowledge about the channel system into new methods of enioanatomy, enio-reflexology, enio-medicine, enio-psychology, enio-pedagogy and other eniodisciplines;
• the utilization of enioanatomical information about the channel system in the process of evaluation, correction, modification and improvement of known enio-techniques, methods and tools relevant for the development of human beings and their subtle bodies, spirituality and PSI faculties;
• the utilization of enioanatomical information about the channel system for the elaboration and development of new enioanatomical, enio-psychological and enio-pedagogical techniques, methods and tools for versatile, balanced, harmonious and universal development of subtle bodies and their channel system;
• the utilization of enioanatomical information about the channels system which should be used to elaborate and develop new enio-therapeutic techniques, methods and tools of preventive medicine, reflexive therapy, medicine for healthy people, healthy lifestyle, enio-medicine, spiritual medicine and effective treatment of life threatening diseases, ensuring optimal morphological and functional regeneration, rehabilitation, and convalescence;
• the presentation of enioanatomical information about the channel system of subtle bodies to further concretize, direct, specify, objectify, maintain and coordinate concentration, imagination, visualization, active meditation, enioanatomical, enio-psychological and spiritual training in accordance with the enioanatomical standard and versatile, balanced, harmonious and universal development of subtle bodies, channels and the channel system;
• the utilization of enioanatomical information about the channel system for the monitoring, evaluation, prognosis, diagnostics, scientific research and acquisition of new knowledge of the form, structure, architecture, topography, functions, functional potential and practical significance of the channel system of subtle bodies.
On the whole, the monograph provides unlimited potential for the utilization of enioanatomical information about the channel system of subtle bodies which is relevant to their universal development, to the integration of upbringing, education, development, healing, and regeneration, to the practical implementation of new, highly effective enio-techniques of reflexive therapy, enio-medicine, spiritual and PSI development, and to the attainment of energy-informational purity of the channel system, energy-informational identity, homeostasis and immunity of subtle bodies, absolute health, longevity, harmony, and a life free of pain, suffering, and crises.
Author: Vasilchuk Anatoliy Leonidovitch
• Associate professor in anatomy
• Doctor of Pedagogy
• Master of Psychotronics and Biomagnetology
• Eniopsychologist
• National healer of the Ukraine
• Master of Sport of the Ukraine
• Author of 20 monographs, 9 inventions, and 521 scientific papers (data from November 2017)
Book 15. In English language. Published in 2014. 300 pages. ISBN 978-80-970284-7-3