- Markéta Kastnerová
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Eine Broschüre zur Information von Ärzten und Therapeuten von Univ.Prof. Dr. med. Dr. chem. George Birkmayer.
About this brochure
If you could take a natural substance that occurs in every single cell to increase your overall energy, would you?
If you could take a natural substance that boosts the immune system and protects your cells from damage, would you?
If you couldtake a natural substance that enhances your cognitive capability and improves your memory, would you?
Most people would answer, “Of course.” Ths book will inform you about this substance, what it is, what its biological functions are, and how this substance improves physical and mental performance in healthy individuals and helps with ailments caused by an energy defiiency. Th biological form of hydrogen occurring in our body reacts with the oxygen present in every living cell to produce essential energy. Most people get a suffient supply of oxygen for energy production from the air they breathe. Th limiting factor in our body is hydrogen—hydrogen is absolutely necessary for the energy production in our cells. Ths, the biological form of hydrogen is the secret of our life energy.
Ths brochure will inform you about NADH, the biological hydrogen, its functions that are essential for life, and its multiple energizing effcts, working not only with athletes but also with people experiencing health problems such as chronic fatigue or Alzheimer’s disease.
About the author
Professor Georg Birkmayer, MD/PhD, developer of stabilized NADH, was the fist to identify the importance of NADH in cellular development and energy transmissions for all bodily functions and organs. He founded the Menuco Corporation in 1995 and is a world-renowned biochemical researcher and is the Medical Director of the Birkmayer Institute for Parkinson’s Thrapy, which has treated thousands of patients suffring from Parkinson’s disease, after having studied the biochemical connections between Parkinson’s and NADH.